
In the British system, secondary education involves two stages: Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.

We provide education until Key Stage 3, which means we teach students in Years 7, 8 and 9 until they turn 14.

We prioritise comprehensive values that we teach during the Primary stages at Shackleton, and our goal in Secondary is to create reflective, open-minded young individuals who can adapt to any environment. They should be confident and passionate about learning, all while following our demanding academic program.

Our study program is based on the themes set by the British Curriculum, allowing us to meet the expectations of the best independent schools in the United Kingdom. Unlike Primary education, we assign homework in Secondary, but only if it helps reinforce points taught during classes and the workload is reasonable.

We still place great importance on language learning and continue to provide daily studies in German and French as foreign languages. We enrich our curriculum by offering rotating subjects free of choice for our students, such as personal finance, home repairs, cooking, and sports. Additionally, we have Enrichment Days, which are dedicated to activities that complement the topics given in class, such as workshops and excursions.

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is the most popular and globally recognised qualification in English for teenagers. We offer various options for our students to prepare for this examination.

Other Stages of British Education


3 to 5 years old

niños jugando a baloncesto en shackleton international school


5 to 11 years old

alumnos bachillerato en un laboratorio shackleton international school


16 to 18 years old