Pillars of Our Education

Instilling values

The main objective of education is the integral development of the individual, and it is for this reason that we want to encourage holistic thinking in our students. Our aim is not only to impart the knowledge, skills and competencies that will enable our students to thrive in the world, but also to inspire our students to create values, principles and ethics that will give meaning and consistency to all learning.

To do this, we will instill in our students the practise of creative, collaborative and critical thinking, and promote the acquisition of basic principles such as solidarity, respect, responsibility, perseverance, effort, patience, adaptability, resilience, etc.

Language and Culture

We believe it is vital to offer our students an open education with an international focus, to prepare them for a much more interconnected and multipolar future, familiarising them from childhood with different cultures and approaches, so that they may develop a more flexible and tolerant mindset.

To this end, we highlight the use of English as a vehicular language and the inclusion of other languages within the curriculum, such as German or French.

Disruptive Educational Approaches and Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Nowadays, in all realms of society, soft skills are just as important as knowledge and cognitive capabilities. Soft skills are a combination of social abilities and communication, including attitudes, such as adaptability, emotional and social intelligence, all of which empower individuals to move through their environment, work cooperatively with others, maximise their performance and achieve their goals.

At SHACKLETON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL we believe in developing these transferable skills through collaborative work, problem-solving, time management, creative thinking, public speaking, debates, stress management and emotional education.

All of these abilities will be developed across different subjects and contexts to obtain a solid foundation in these skills across the board. From this foundation, we can facilitate rich learning from the point of view of interpersonal relationships

alumnas shackleton international school
nutricion en shackleton international school


At a time when sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits are presented as two of the greatest deterrents to good health, we recognize that in addition to incorporating movement as a habit of life, it is also essential to provide students with a basic understanding, based on the maturity of the student, of how to feed and nourish themselves.

This kind of knowledge will empower our students, help them adopt healthy life habits, such as being mindful of their nutritional needs and choosing what to eat based on their energy requirements as opposed to indiscriminately.

Financial Education

Financial education from an early age is an indispensable value. It instills a propensity for sensible conduct and responsible decisions that will last a lifetime.

With experience in this field, our students will grow into being informed and independent individuals who know how to successfully manage their finances, in domestic, as well as, work and business spheres.

educación financiera en shackleton international school

Enrichment days

We schedule enrichment days at various points during the academic year. These days are packed with exciting activities that are not part of the standard curriculum, and they supplement the themes or topics covered during the regular lessons.

These days could consist of going on field trips, participating in special activities at school, or attending specialised workshops. All the year groups, from Nursery to Y9, participate in these days.

Trips and camps

We organise various trips and camps outside the regular school curriculum throughout the school year. Our ski trip during the 22/23 academic year illustrates this principle well. Students develop their independence, their self-confidence, and their sense of community through participation in multiple outdoor activities.

Elective subjects

In our Secondary program, our students have to choose one of our Elective subjects. These subjects enhance their educational experiences, allowing them to choose subjects they are interested in. These subjects rotate throughout the year, allowing students to develop additional skills. These subjects range from cooking, first aid, home and repair, etc.

Health: Food, Movement and Rest

At SHACKLETON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL we give special importance to health and the balance between body and mind, as well as contact with nature and knowledge of the environment. To properly prepare our students for present and future challenges, we consider three concepts essential: Food, Movement and Rest.

Accordingly, we put a special emphasis not only on providing healthy, balanced and quality nutrition, but also on providing the tools that enable us to understand why we eat the way we eat.

In respect to movement, because we see the sedentary lifestyle as an important issue for new generations, we have made it a cornerstone of our daily routine, not merely something we reserve for physical education classes.

Finally, we consider it very important to develop attention skills through meditation activities. This will enable our students to raise their levels of concentration and awareness, help connect them to their creative abilities and help them develop a better relationship with their own emotions, all the while, allowing their minds the rest they need to function properly. It will serve as a meaningful exercise in self-knowledge.


At SHACKLETON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL we take the dietary habits of our students very seriously.

Therefore, we direct our efforts on making sure that even our youngest learn to eat well.

We pursue quality and excellence. Our students will eat just as if they were at home, with the best ingredients, those that promote a healthy, balanced diet. The principles of the Mediterranean diet, healthy eating from the Mediterranean Arc region, which is related to a lower rate of chronic disease and greater longevity, guide our menu elaboration.

The Mediterranean diet is predominantly vegetarian and includes pasta, rice, nuts, pulses, leafy greens, seasonal vegetables and fruits of all types, bread and other grains. It uses olive oil as the main source of fat and predominantly favours fish and poultry over red meat. Thanks to all this, we manage to achieve the fundamental principles of a balanced diet, which are to provide

  • The right amount of nutrients required for the physical and intellectual needs of our students.
  • The correct proportion of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.).
  • The quantity of vitamins and minerals necessary.


In the same way that it is fundamental to health to nourish one’s body by eating each day, it is also essential to do physical exercise daily. The first fifteen minutes of each day begin with our students moving, shaking, and working on their body strength. Thanks to this, students can more easily wake up, concentrate, and lower their stress levels. In addition to this, our children will participate in Physical Education classes every week. They are going to study new sports throughout this period, which will help them improve their physical coordination at the same time.

That being said, at SHACKLETON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL we consider the practise of physical exercise as something that should be incorporated into the daily routine of every person, and that the sooner one starts doing it, the more likely it is to become a habit for life. Therefore, this practise is actively promoted and is considered an integral part of our educational project at all levels of the centre.

Rest and Mindfulness

Rest is a fundamental factor for the health and well-being of both the body and the mind. We will emphasise the need to sleep a minimum number of hours to achieve physical rest, as well as promote the practise of different relaxation techniques such as meditation or mindfulness for mental rest.

Mindfulness is based on techniques in which the objective is to be consciously present, integrating and understanding what is happening in and around you. In practise, attention is paid to thoughts, breathing, sensations and emotions, always from an open and relaxed attitude.

By imparting mindfulness practices to children, we equip them with the necessary skills to cultivate self-assurance, manage tension, and confront awkward or difficult situations compassionately. Helping them develop and refine their mindfulness practice as they mature and cultivate resilience is more feasible when we initiate this process in their youth.

That is why we at Shackleton International School find it essential to teach our students mindfulness.

Family Harmony

Reconciling family, personal and work constraints for all of its members is also a responsibility of the schools.  At SHACKLETON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL we are aware of the need and importance to adapt and be flexible, so that a good work-life balance is possible.

Flexible Hours

To promote scheduling compatibility between families and students, the doors of the centre will open well in advance, and extracurricular activities will be implemented outside of actual school hours. Parents can come to eat at the school with their children whenever they want and enjoy that moment in their company.


We consider family time and rest to be of vital importance, therefore, at the primary school level, our intent is for students to do their school work, at school, so they can dedicate their after-school time for playing sports and enjoying time with the family

Summer School

The school will remain open for the month of July for both our students and others, in order to offer services to families during this holiday period.

Family School Workshops

Our team will provide “Family School” workshops, where we work with parents on personal resources and skills to develop positive dynamics within the family and enable harmonious coexistence. These workshops also promote the integral development of our children so that they develop into autonomous, safe, strong people…and above all happy. The objectives of our Family School sessions are:

  • To help parents better understand their emotions and those of their children.
  • To develop and strengthen the self-esteem of both parents and children.
  • To develop active listening, empathy and assertive communication.
  • To work towards understanding our children and their behaviour, both as individuals and in their social relationships.
  • To provide resources meant to achieve emotional well-being and that promote learning to live positively.
  • To equip parents with limit setting abilities and conflict resolution skills.
  • To gain practise in learning to express and properly manage emotions, thus, legitimising our feelings.